Sunday, February 21, 2010


Together we swarm the bee hive,

Poised to sting, to puncture the

Thin skin of the collective consciousness,

Where all lies dormant, needing not

Pinning one’s blight upon the

Mosaic of veracity’s pompous virtue,

To befriend the loneliest shades of grey,

And fall into another gyre, twisting and

Rapidly firing neuron after lugubrious neuron,

Into the brain of the communal whole,

Catching insanity as if a bee keeper,

Selling us as if we were commodity,

Bartering for a beseeched request to leave,

Depart from the under-current, and live

Forever above the languidly rotating wheel,

All while the eye watches us, seeing

Emptiness of these times as though

It were a comedic affluence,

All and all, all for Them.

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